- Take time to choose the topic or much time would be wasted later on.
- Look around to find topic of your research.
- Choose a topic you know something about.
- Choose a topic that interests you. You will be working with this topic for some time, so make sure you enjoy spending time with it. Otherwise the process of writing your essay will be extremely non enjoyable. You can only do well on your essay if you like the topic.
- Make sure topic is related to other interests in your life. Relate to other courses and information you have learnt.
- Choose a topic that is not too broad or too narrow.
- If it is too broad, you will be lost with overwhelming information and you would need more time.
- If it is too narrow, you risk not finding enough information.
- Decide which aspect of the topic interests you the most. You could tackle the topic from engineering, scientific, social aspects.