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The Privacy Law: ‘HIPAA’

The term ‘privacy’ has been one of high concern and is of great importance to co-exist in society. Privacy enables individuals to with hold personal information from being leaked or discussed in public. Since privacy has acquired a place among some of the most crucial laws in the contemporary times (Rotenberg M., 2000), the importance of privacy has augmented in the global scenario and almost all the countries of the world have included privacy as a legal right in their constitutions…
The need and importance of Privacy Laws – Historical Background
Privacy has gained the status of being a fundamental right and has gained the status of becoming an important law in the United States of America. Although the inclusion of the law is relatively recent, there are historical references of legal privacy rights in Alan Westin's Privacy and Freedom and The Right to Privacy (1995) by Ellen Alderman & Caroline Kennedy….
The Privacy Law
The Privacy law is actually a Privacy act, part of the Public Law, which was passed on the 31st of December 1974, by the Congress of the United States of America to prevent the exploitation of privacy…   

The HIPAA Privacy Rule

The HIPAA is an abbreviation for the ‘Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act’ which came into force on the 21st August 1996 (Public Law 104-191, the Kennedy Kassenbaum Act). This act is also known as the ‘Kennedy-Kassebaum Act’. The HIPAA act was enacted to improve effectiveness in the deliverance of healthcare …