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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a neurobiological disorder and has the potential to disturb the intellectual, social and the professional performance of the affected person. The most crucial aspect of the disorder are the persistent obsessions and compulsions which the child witnesses, hindering the daily life. Obsessive compulsive disorder is an illness which affects many children and teenagers. This disorder in young children is not uncommon, and the approximately one percent of the children and adolescents are affected by this disorder (Valleni et al., 1994). Usually, children are diagnosed with obsessive compulsive behavior when they are about seven years to twelve years old. Even when the disorder is not diagnosed, most adults with late diagnosis have reported that their initial symptoms began when they were children (Rasmussen & Eisen, 1990). Research indicates that the occurrence of the disorder is likely to hinder the growth of the child greatly and in some cases is even related with chronic gloominess and can in some cases cause severe long term social harm to the affected children (Bolton, Luckie, & Steinberg, 1995). 
Causes for Obsessive compulsive disorder
Although there is no evidence of any specific genes in the occurrence of the disorder among children, there is considerable research which suggests that the disorder may be inherited from the genes of close relatives. In many cases, the disorder has been associated with injury of the brain and postencephalitic states along with other disorders such as the basal ganglia disorders namely the tics and Tourette syndrome (McGuire, 1995).


Bolton D, Luckie M, Steinberg D. Long-term course of obsessive-compulsive disorder treated in adolescence. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1995;34:1441-50.