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Film Review - Sicko

The movie ‘Sicko’ by Michael Moore is an attempt to highlight the prevalent Health care system of America. In the movies, Moore focuses on some of the people who have been failed by the Health-Care industry. The movie, which is actually a documentary, begins by outlining the lives of some of the ordinary American citizens, the lives of whom have been devastated and upset by health care system. Moore depicts several instances of people among which there is a person who lost his two fingers with a power saw and realizes that it would need twelve-thousand dollars to save one and sixty-thousand dollars to save the other. The man had no health insurance, so could only save one finger…
Moore deftly draws attention to stories which enrage and sicken the viewer regarding the approach of the health care organizations in the United States. Moore has successfully highlighted the problems of the health maintenance companies of America. He articulately debates that even when people pay their health insurance, most of the benefits cannot be availed by them due to the unforeseen circumstances. Moore also argues that while other nations like France, Britain and Canada offer superior health care service to their natives, why should the citizens of the U.S. be charged to avail of health care services? The entire issue and paradox of the healthcare system of America is that in terms of technology, research and medicine, America is a leader. The United States is also second to none when it comes to the excellent imbursements it offers to doctors, thereby attracting the best from all over the world. The irony lies in the fact that these services…