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Biography: Skinner Burrhus Frederick

B.F.Skinner is one of the most prominent and well known psychologist in the field of psychology was born on the 20th of March (Karen, R. 1974). Skinner was born in a small town of Susquehanna and had a younger brother, who died at the age of sixteen, due to cerebral aneurism. Even when he was very young, Skinner worked deftly with his hands and fabricated things such as the roller scooters, wagons that could be steered and many others. When he was in the smaller grades, Skinner developed a keen interest in literature and arts, which was illustrated through his drawings (Dews, 1970)…
After completing his graduation, Skinner endeavored to pursue a writing career, for which he attended the Middlebury School of English, where he came across Robert Frost and penned his foremost book, describing a coal strike of 1904, named the Digest of Decisions of the Anthracite Board of Conciliation (Dews, 1970)

In 1957 Skinner in association with Ferster, published the Schedules of Reinforcement (Dews, 1970; Karen, R. 1974). Skinner invented the Famous “Baby Box”, which enabled to maintain the temperature of a child’s body, thereby mechanizing the cars of infants. The birth of his second child prompted Skinner to invent this “box”, which proved useful and was successfully used by many children (Dews, 1970). Skinner received the Humanist of the year Award in 1972...