An Abstract is the summary of the paper and informs readers what they are likely to expect from the essay or research paper. An Abstract begins on a fresh page, immediately after the title page.
An APA style Abstract should be formatted in the following manner:
- Should begin on a fresh page immediately after the title page
- The word ‘Abstract’ on the first line, centre aligned, not bold, not italics, not underlined)
- Should have a Page Header
- Should be a single paragraph of about 150 to 200 words
- Should be double spaced not indented
- The next line begins with a summary of the paper. The first line is aligned left, not indented.
- Contents of the abstract should clearly state the topic of the essay, research thesis or questions, and the contents of the paper.
Abstracts of Research Papers should include:
- Research topic
- Research questions
- Participants of the study
- Methods used
- Results section
- Data analysis section
- Conclusions